Logging key generator

With this tool, you can create a keypair for logging and retrieving the log files. When an activity is launched, a logging key can be specified. All the activities launched with the same logging key will save the submitted logs to the same logging store. It is possible to download all the logs from the specific logging store by using the secret key.

You can use the same logging key for all activities or you can create one key for each class etc.

Public logging key

Use the public logging key below when launching activities from Acos. The key should be in the launching request as a GET parameter logkey. For example, https://tie-acos.rd.tuni.fi/html/coding/ex1?logkey=123456.

Public key: b4251863191f44f35a5bfa87629cfd5199836e89

Secret logging key

To download the collected log files, visit the URL https://tie-acos.rd.tuni.fi/logs/SECRETKEY and a zip file containing all the logs will be generated. Replace SECRETKEY with the correct key that is shown below.

Secret key: bbcb24d1956801146e3867505a41fc4c0b8d84c7

Important! Do not lose this secret key or otherwise you are not able to download the collected logs.